Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Once You Choose Hope, Anything's Possible." ~Christopher Reeve

This week has been crazy.  Most of our volunteers are college students, and this week is their Spring Break.  A few have come to volunteer anyway, but for the most part, the program has pretty much been run by some of the older kids.  This gives me hope for its future, that even at their young age, they're willing to step up and take responsibility.  Just so long as it's not expected of them too often.

One of the kids in the Yellow Group (4th and 5th graders) saw the KONY 2012 video online and asked the program director if she could run art for the week and use it as an opportunity to teach the other kids in her group about what's happening in Central Africa.
Yesterday, I gave them a quick summary of what's going on while the Yellow Group started drawing posters related to KONY 2012.  Today, they watched the video and discussed how it made them feel.

She's in elementary school!  And she's rallying her classmates around a serious issue that she's become passionate about!  And she's growing up in what was one of the poorest urban areas in our nation BEFORE the economy crashed!  That's what I call hope.

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