Monday, November 5, 2012

“Hey You, Don't Tell Me There's No Hope at All. Together We Stand, Divided We Fall.” ~ Pink Floyd

Funny kid story:  Last Tuesday, I walked into the kitchen at Pomona Hope, where the youngest group of kids was having snack, to hand a note to a volunteer.  When I got inside, one of the more spirited girls in the group ran up to me and asked if she could write on the white board.  The conversation went as follows...

Me: Well, why don't you ask the volunteers here if you can?
Kid: I already did!
Me: So why are you asking me?
Kid: Because they said no!
Me: Well, as much as I admire your persistence, I'm going to have to go with the volunteers on this one.

I figure any parent will identify with that conversation to some degree.

Now, for adorableness!

Halloween 2012
  You're welcome.

They also helped me on an international scavenger hunt that I'm doing on the side, but I can't post pictures of that until it's over.

Now updates:

Pomona Hope had its anuual fundraiser this Saturday night and it went very well!  Really classy.  I got to dress up.  And I got a fancy nametag.  But my favorite part of the night were the presentations.  Joe George, current and founding board member, explained to everyone how it all began.  Emily, Program Director, had beautiful stories about watching the kids grow up over the past few years.  Barbara, beloved volunteer, talked about the personalities of several of the kids.  And Veronica, one of our high school students/volunteers, talked about how much she loved Pomona Hope because of the help she both gets and gives there.  She is so well-spoken and poised, you wouldn't peg her as an 11th grader.  Seriously, she did better up there than I could ever dream to.  Love that kid.

The art being auctioned off was beautiful!  I didn't even get to see it all though, because there were so many people!  It was just a great event all around.

But everything is getting "back to normal" at the program.  Our one different thing coming up this week is Election Day!  While adults all around the country are voting for politicians and issues tomorrow, our 4th, 5th, and some 6th graders will be voting in a mock election as well!  We gave them time to do some research at the computer lab, on who they should vote for according to their take on the issues, by sending the here: Vote Smart.  We also showed them a few episodes of Schoolhouse Rock and explained to them why it's important to vote, and what the world would be like if we didn't get to!  One thing I had to get used to telling them, when they asked "What's the right answer?" was that if there was an obvious right answer, we wouldn't need to vote!

They seem to be excited about it (they probably hear about the elections everywhere they go too).  Should be an interesting result!  And more importantly, they'll be interested in voting for real when their chance comes.

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